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中华产科急救电子杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (01) : 44 -48. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3259.2021.01.010

所属专题: 文献


  1. 1. 510150,广州医科大学附属第三医院新生儿科
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-15 出版日期:2021-02-18
  • 基金资助:

Neonatal management of pregnant women with diabetic mothers

Xinqi Zhong1   

  • Received:2020-11-15 Published:2021-02-18

钟鑫琪. 妊娠合并糖尿病患者新生儿的管理[J]. 中华产科急救电子杂志, 2021, 10(01): 44-48.

Xinqi Zhong. Neonatal management of pregnant women with diabetic mothers[J]. Chinese Journal of Obstetric Emergency(Electronic Edition), 2021, 10(01): 44-48.


The incidence of pregnancy associated with diabetes mellitus is increasing rapidly in the world. The intrauterine hyperglycemia environment affects the functional development of newborn organs through placenta, blood vessel, metabolism, epigenetics and other aspects, leading to corresponding dysfunction in each system, and this effect even continues into adulthood. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the awareness, well management of neonatal period, provide early interventions and standard follow-up for high-risk cases, so as to achieve better neonatal outcome.

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