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中华产科急救电子杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (04) : 233 -238. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3259.2023.04.010


罗力冰(), 李之朋, 刘镭, 徐跃, 谢娜   
  1. 香港大学深圳医院妇产科,深圳 518053
    香港大学深圳医院影像科,深圳 518053
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-25 出版日期:2023-11-18
  • 通信作者: 罗力冰

Warfarin-associated fetal intracranial hemorrhage: a case report and literature review

Libing Luo(), Zhipeng Li, Lei Liu, Yue Xu, Na Xie   

  1. Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, The University of Hongkong-Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen 518053, China
    Imaging Department, The University of Hongkong-Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen 518053, China
  • Received:2023-06-25 Published:2023-11-18
  • Corresponding author: Libing Luo

罗力冰, 李之朋, 刘镭, 徐跃, 谢娜. 华法林相关性胎儿颅内出血一例并文献复习[J]. 中华产科急救电子杂志, 2023, 12(04): 233-238.

Libing Luo, Zhipeng Li, Lei Liu, Yue Xu, Na Xie. Warfarin-associated fetal intracranial hemorrhage: a case report and literature review[J]. Chinese Journal of Obstetric Emergency(Electronic Edition), 2023, 12(04): 233-238.










To report a case of warfarin-associated fetal intracranial hemorrhage and to analyze relevant clinical manifestations based on a literature review.


This study reported a case of warfarin-associated fetal intracranial hemorrhage who was admitted to Hong Kong University Shenzhen Hospital in 2020. Relevant articles were retrieved from China National Knowledge Infractructure, the Wanfang and the PubMed Database from their release dates to April 2021. Clinical manifestations and prognosis of warfarin-associated fetal intracranial hemorrhage were analyzed and discussed.


(1) Case report: a pregnant woman on long-term warfarin after mechanical heart valve replacement had an ultrasound examination at 29+ 1 week of pregnancy showing fetal ventriculomegaly. Fetal MRI showed intracranial hemorrhage. Warfarin was stopped and LMWH started at 31+ 1 gestational weeks. There was no progressive dilatation of the fetal lateral ventricles. The baby was delivered at 37+ 4 weeks and followed up to 11 months of age with abnormal movement of one limb.(2)Literature review: one Chinese and seven English articles were retrieved, including 11 cases. The 8 cases with poor perinatal outcomes were diagnosed late or had no clinical intervention after diagnosis. Three patients with a change in anticoagulant treatment or delivered early after diagnosis achieved better perinatal outcomes.


Warfarin-associated fetal intracranial hemorrhage is a rare fetal complication caused by warfarin anticoagulation during pregnancy, which often has a poor prognosis. It is important to conduct individualized management for pregnant women taking warfarin during pregnancy, fine-regulate the dose of warfarin and monitor the fetal condition by ultrasound. Early diagnosis and intervention are the key to improve the outcome of pregnancy.

图1 心脏机械瓣膜置换术后长期服用华法林孕妇胎儿颅内出血超声图像及磁共振成像图像 A:胎儿颅内出血超声检查示蛛网膜下腔无回声区(箭头所示);B:胎儿双侧侧脑室增宽超声图像(箭头所示);C:磁共振成像胎儿侧脑室增宽(箭头所示);D:磁共振成像颅板下可见多处片状T1W1高信号影(箭头所示)
表1 12例华法林相关性胎儿颅内出血的临床特点
例序 文献 母体疾病 开始使用华法林孕周(周) 华法林剂量(mg/d) 国际标准化比值 首发症状/发现孕周(周) 特殊情况 诊断/停华法林(孕周) 出血部位 胎儿其他表现/部分病例尸检 分娩孕周(周) 胎儿结局/分娩方式 新生儿血红蛋白水平
1 Masamoto等[4] 二尖瓣置换 20 3.5 2.7~2.9 侧脑室扩张/23 23/未停 硬膜下 硬膜下血肿、贫血 23 死胎/引产 NA
2 Lee等[5] 二尖瓣置换 14 6~7 2.2~3.0 侧脑室增宽/24 24/未停 硬膜下 硬膜下血肿、贫血 25 新生儿死亡/引产 NA
3 Matsuda等[6] NA 14 NA NA 硬膜下血肿/31 31/31 硬膜下 31 存活/CS NA
4 Oswal等[7] NA 24 NA NA 脑积水、硬膜下血肿/24 24/未停 硬膜下 硬膜下血肿 24 死胎/引产 NA
5 Ville等[8] 肺栓塞 26 3~6 1.7~2.5 侧脑室增宽/33 33/未停 硬膜下 硬膜下血肿,脑萎缩 36 死胎/引产 NA
6 Ville等[8] 心脏瓣膜病 15 5~6 0.7~1.9 死胎/29 29/未停 脑室内 脑室内出血 29 死胎/引产 NA
7 Fujiwara等[9] 主动脉瓣置换 12 3~4.5 1.5~2.0 侧脑室增宽/31+5 35/35 硬膜下 贫血、凝血功能障碍 36 存活/VD 70 g/L
8 Robinson等[10] 二尖瓣置换 全孕期 NA NA 胎儿水肿、头围大、羊水过多/32 32/未停 硬膜下 贫血、脑积水、硬膜下血肿 33 新生儿死亡/VD NA
9 Oakley等[11] 二尖瓣置换 全孕期 NA NA 脑积水/38 NA 脑室内 脑积水 38 存活/CS/脑室分流,发育迟缓,失明 NA
10 Starling等[12] 主动脉瓣、二尖瓣置换 23 5~6 3~4.7 胎动减少/34 胎母输血、红细胞洗脱试验5% 34/34 脑实质 胎心监护异常 34 存活/CS 35 g/L新生儿凝血功能障碍
11 彭文星等[3] 二尖瓣置换 16 3 3.28 胎动减少、超声提示胎儿头围大/36 孕33周合并用药:甲钴胺、维生素C、硫酸亚铁 36/未停 脑室内及脑实质内 胎心监护异常 37 死胎/CS NA
12 本例 二尖瓣、主动脉瓣置换 全孕期 4.375~5 1.49~2.04 侧脑室扩张/29 孕26周合并用药:复方硫酸亚铁叶酸片 29/31 硬膜下 侧脑室扩张 37 存活/CS 199 g/L
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