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中华产科急救电子杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (02) : 98 -102. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3259.2023.02.007


李群颖, 郑丽婷, 于燕()   
  1. 518102 深圳,暨南大学附属深圳宝安区妇幼保健院产科
  • 收稿日期:2022-10-24 出版日期:2023-05-18
  • 通信作者: 于燕

Clinical analysis of 10 cases with a history of gynecological operation of uterine rupture in pregnancy

Qunying Li, Liting Zheng, Yan Yu()   

  1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baoan Women′s and Children′s Hospital, Jinan University, Shenzhen 518102, China
  • Received:2022-10-24 Published:2023-05-18
  • Corresponding author: Yan Yu

李群颖, 郑丽婷, 于燕. 妇科手术史患者妊娠期子宫破裂临床研究[J]. 中华产科急救电子杂志, 2023, 12(02): 98-102.

Qunying Li, Liting Zheng, Yan Yu. Clinical analysis of 10 cases with a history of gynecological operation of uterine rupture in pregnancy[J]. Chinese Journal of Obstetric Emergency(Electronic Edition), 2023, 12(02): 98-102.










To analyze the etiology and clinical characteristics of uterine rupture in pregnant women without history of cesarean section.


Retrospective analysis of the clinical data of cases of uterine rupture in patients without history of cesarean section admitted to Shenzhen Bao′an Maternal and Child Health Hospital for the past 10 years from September 2012 to September 2021, the clinical characteristics of the patient′s birth time, previous surgery, medical history, uterine rupture at the age of gestation, clinical manifestations, intraoperative observations, and maternal and infant outcomes were analyzed.


In 10 cases of uterine rupture, there were 6 multigravidas and 4 first-born women, 2 cases with history of artificial abortion, 1 case of hysteroscopic surgery, 2 cases of laparoscopic uterine fibroid removal, 2 cases of laparoscopic sutural cervical, 3 cases from ectopic pregnancy through laparoscopic treatment. uterine rupture happened at different gestational ages. 1 case occurred at gestational age of less than 24 weeks, and 5 cases of uterine rupture occurred over 34 weeks. 9 cases with abdominal pain was the main manifestation. There were 2 cases of severe abdominal pain, 1 case was found by decreased fetal motility, and 3 cases were discovered by fetal heart change at the age of pregnancy after 30 weeks. 7 cases of fetal survival were obtained. Among the 8 newborns (including twins), 2 were mildly asphyxiated and 6 were severely asphyxiated (including twins). 2 cases were stillborn and 1 case was aborted. All 10 cases of maternal uterus were effectively sutured and were discharged from the hospital smoothly after surgery.


(1) Previous history of uterine surgery is a high-risk factor for uterine rupture, but the initial signs are often not obvious, and abdominal pain is the most common manifestation, which is confused with labour pains and difficult to distinguish. (2) For women of childbearing age who have pregnancy needs, when performing gynecological surgery, they should strictly grasp the indications for surgery, carefully select the surgical method and pay attention to the surgical operation, and carry out pregnancy guidance after surgery. (3) For pregnant women with a history of gynecological surgery, it is recommended to carry previous gynecological surgery records for obstetric examination and learn more about the operation process. Be wary of the risk of uterine rupture in pregnant women with multiple histories of uterine cavity manipulation. (4) Do a good job of high-risk pregnancy supervision for pregnant women with laparoscopic cervical cerclage.

表1 10例有妇科手术史患者妊娠期子宫破裂情况及新生儿结局
病例 孕次/产次(次) 子宫破裂孕周(周) 妇科手术史 临床表现 子宫破裂口部位及大小 出血量(ml) 围产儿结局
1 5/0 33+5 4次人工流产 持续下腹痛半天,抑制宫缩治疗后,腹痛进行性加剧,腹部逐渐硬如板样 剖腹探查,见腹腔内大量积血,宫底部破裂约3 cm×4 cm大小 1500 Apgar评分7-10-10分
2 1/0 37+2 因子宫内膜异位症行宫腹腔镜联合手术,术中剔除子宫后壁小肌瘤 下腹痛2 h入院,临产后腹痛渐加剧,以子宫破裂急诊手术 术中胎儿游离于腹腔,胎盘在宫腔,查子宫后壁呈"S"型状破裂口 2000 轻度窒息
3 5/1 29+5 异位妊娠行腹腔镜下输卵管切开取胚术加子宫后壁肌瘤剔除术,2次人工流产 下腹持续痛伴阵发性加重1 h,头晕、耳鸣、视物模糊1 h 胎儿及胎盘均位于腹腔内,子宫后壁自宫底向下至宫颈内口处纵向全层裂开 3000 死亡
4 7/2 36+6 腹腔镜下宫角妊娠切除术+输卵管结扎术 下腹痛4 h 子宫底近左侧宫角处有一个4 cm×2 cm大小的全层破口 2000 早产儿
5 6/2 41 3次人工流产 腹痛剧烈伴胎心减速,可疑胎盘早剥 子宫下段后壁左侧见一破裂口,子宫壁全层裂开,长约12 cm达后窿 2000 重度窒息
6 4/0 19+ 宫腔粘连致3次宫腔镜手术 剧烈腹痛入院 胎盘附着于宫底,附着处见一直径约0.8 cm破口 2000 死胎
7 4/0 29+2 7次IVF-ET术后妊娠,孕9+周腹腔镜下高位宫颈环扎术 盐酸利托君保胎中诉有腹痛,麻醉后满脸大汗,面色苍白,出现休克 子宫回缩,胎儿、胎盘游离于腹腔内 2500 两早产儿重度窒息
8 2/0 32+5 行腹腔镜宫颈内口环扎术 胎动减少3 h,胎心监护示无反应型 术中见宫颈前壁环扎线切割子宫下段,至宫腔 500 早产儿
9 5/1 39+4 因异位妊娠行腹腔镜手术 下腹不规则痛4 h,胎心监护无反应型 左侧宫角一纵形破裂口长约3 cm,穿透宫腔 600 重度窒息
10 5/1 37+1 宫腔粘连致腹腔镜下右侧输卵管切除术 下腹阵痛加剧 开腹探查胎儿游离于腹腔内,检查子宫右侧宫角处一裂口约10 cm 1000 死胎
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